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TurnKey website refreshed

I've just finished updating the TurnKey website with a range of improvements designed to smooth over existing rough spots and better accommodate the needs of the project as it expands with the upcoming release. 

Veteran community members using modern browsers may also notice the site looks just a bit more visually pleasing now. Otherwise I've just been obsessively tweaking the stylesheets for nothing.

Blog Tags: 

Git - Fixing commit mistakes

I use Git. I use it a lot. I basically use it for everything I do, from code revision control to revisioning my notes, my journal, even my email archive (don't ask, it's a long story).
As with anything you do, you are bound to make mistakes.

Making TurnKey more turnkey - the end to default passwords

In our quest to make the upcoming TurnKey 11.0 release more "turnkey", I set out to extend the firstboot inithooks to include application specific configuration hooks such as setting of the admin password, email and domain to serve (where applicable).

I'm glad to announce that the quest is now over, and that puts the end to default passwords.

Tweaking Django exceptions with custom middleware

When settings.DEBUG is set to False, exception tracebacks will be sent to settings.ADMINS. To make it simpler to track down how and why the exception was raised, it's beneficial to know which user caused the exception.

It's quite simple to do this using some custom middleware. In the Hub, we include the associated users email address in the exception with the following:

Headless PHP Drupal script deletes spam zombie user accounts

For for the last few months automatic bots have been creating hundreds of zombie accounts per day on the TurnKey web site. I'm not sure why they bother. I assume it has something to do with spamming, but they never log in. Besides, spam almost never gets past our content filter (Mollom) and when it does we always nuke it. Zero tolerance.


Meanwhile these zombie accounts are polluting my precious database, and that bothers me. Besides, call me prejudiced, but I just hate zombies. You're either alive or you're dead. Pick a side!