Hi all! This is my virgin TurnKey blog post. Many of you on the forums would have come across me in your travels no doubt. I have been a volunteer serial poster on the forums now for many years. I have even had the privilege of having a blog post written about me by Liraz (one of the core TurnKey devs).
First, I'd like to thank Joey, Noah and Jeremy for providing much needed feedback on a related blog post. Thanks guys. It really got me thinking. What if instead of a contest we figured out how to do community funded bounties? Wouldn't an open, continual system of free software bounties be much a better idea than doing another contest?
Without action, your TurnKey 13 installations may remain vulnerable to the critical Heartbleed OpenSSL attack (DSA-2896-1CVE-2014-0160). This is not a theoretical attack.
Imagine if every Debian distribution in the world in the world was using TurnKey's build chain and collaborating with us on its development instead of limping along with various inefficient ad-hoc tools?
TurnKey currently doesn't get as many contributions back from the free software community as we'd like (our fault). I think there are two main reasons for that: