Jeremy Davis - Wed, 2018/09/05 - 11:33 -
UPDATE: Stage 4; the 4th and final instalment of v15.0, includes the remaining v15.0 appliances, plus a number of bugfixed and updated v15.0 apps - 31 in total. All appliances are available in ISO, OVA/VM, OpenStack, Xen, Docker and Proxmox/LXC builds.
I'm pleased to announce followup to stages One and Two of the v15.0 release with the release of stage 3. Stage Three includes another 35 v15.0 appliances; including 3 brand new ones: Gitea, Syncthing and ZoneMinder - read on for a full overview. I'll also be announcing v15.0 Hub builds very soon too, but I've decided to save that for another post - but it will be soon I promise!