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The Hub now supports reserved instances - pay up to 50% less

Reserve instance dialog

In response to user demand on the forum we've added Hub support for Amazon EC2 reserved instances.

Reserved instances are an Amazon EC2 feature that allows you to reserve server capacity up to 3 years in advance by paying a low one-time fee.

A web developer's perspective on using a TurnKey virtual appliance

This is a guest post by Jason Nash, writer, web developer extraordinaire at WebHostGear and casual TurnKey Linux user.

Configuring the timezone on TurnKey Linux

For some TurnKey appliances, it's important to set the date and time of the server before starting to use the application.


New release announcement (codename: Idan)

Following 9 months of development, and a sleepless night ensuring the release was performed as intended, the Swartz family is thrilled to announce that 'Idan' has been made public.

The aforementioned release has an undetermined support period, but likely to have onsite tier-1 support for approximately 18+ years, and thereafter tier-2 support for as long as required.

Configuring Subversion access via Apache on the Revision Control appliance

The following is the first guest blog post by Adrian Moya, a web developer and open source evangelist. He took first place in the TurnKey Development content, 2010. See more of Adrian's work on his website.

TurnKey Hub: Not just adding random features

I started writing a review for cloudtask as a comment on the announcement, but decided it would be better to address a topic that was raised by Jeremiah when we launched the Hub API:

Introducing CloudTask - a cloud batch execution tool

The cloud. Isn't that just a new name everyone on the latest hype bandwagon is slapping on the same old stuff? Yes. Or rather, at least the way some clueless marketing types are using it that is. With so much smoke you'd forgive the cynics for thinking there's no fire. But... there are a few genuinely interesting things an IT guy can do today that just weren't practical a few years back.

TurnKey 11.2, free micro instances, EBS backed cloud servers

TurnKey 11.2: micro instances, EBS support, built-in TurnKey DNS, security updates

We just updated the web site and the TurnKey Hub with the new TurnKey 11.2 maintenance release, which includes:

  1. TurnKey Hub support for micro instances, Amazon's free tier and cloud servers backed by persistent network-attached storage volumes (AKA EBS backed instances).
  2. Built-in support for TurnKey's new dynamic DNS service.
  3. The latest security updates.

Using Comet to update web application data in real time?

Recently I've been looking into a powerful but complex web application technology we're considering using in future versions of the Hub.

The problem: how do we update a browser view when a background process updates the database?

A few examples of places in the Hub where this comes up...

Python iterators considered harmful

I just tracked down a nasty bug in my code to a gotcha with Python iterators.

Consider the following code...
