Chromebook Acer C720 review: the browser is the operating system and it doesn't suck

It's 2014 and the present is not my grandfather's future. There's no race to colonize the moon and we are most assuredly not zipping around in jetpacks and flying cars. Most predictions fail, but some ghosts of future past are alive and well.

20 years ago I had my first run in with a web browser. I was browsing the NASA website at an Internet conference and it was a revelation! The BBS community I had grown up in was dead in the water. This would change everything. A couple of years later, the developer of Mosaic, Marc Anderseen, now heading Netscape made a prescient prediction:

In the future - the browser will be the operating system.

Unsurprisingly, this mobilized Microsoft to crush Netscape in what would become known by some as the browser wars, and the start of the end for Microsoft's reign of terror by others.

Netscape didn't stick around long enough to see Anderseen's prediction come to pass, but some technology trends are seemingly inexorable, or perhaps self fulfilling? 20 years after trying my first browser, I tried my first computer in which Anderseen's "the browser will be the operating system" vision has been fully realized. By Google, who supplanted Microsoft as the world's leading tech empire, in the form of a refurbished (never used) Acer C720 Chromebook which I picked up for a ridiculously low $180.

To my surprise... it's pretty good, and apparently I'm not the only one that thinks so because these things are flying off the shelves. The model I picked up is currently the most popular netbook on Amazon and is a steal even at the original price of $220.

chromebook acer c720

Backdoor in my Medialink router

Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they aren't out to getcha.

Here's another example of why we need free software running the Internet. When I bought my Medialink router it was the most popular brand of wireless router on It is created by a Chinese corporation called Tenda.

And it comes with a root shell backdoor, which I just tested:

The closest you can get to perfectly secure Bitcoin transactions (without doing them in your head)

@pa2013 helpfully posted Alon's BitKey announcement from last week to the Bitcoin Reddit, which sparked an interesting discussion regarding whether or not you can safely trust BitKey to perform air-gapped transactions. I started responding there but my comment got so long I decided to turn it into a blog post.

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Creating a screencast on Linux with xvidcap: a free open source screencasting tool

Yesterday I wrote about my screencast production adventures. For a screencast demo I was working on I explored all the FLOSS screencasting tools I could find including RecordMyDesktop, and Istanbul. They all suck by varying degrees but xvidcap, though it doesn't look like much, definitely sucked the least.

If the binary package for your distribution crashes and burns try building xvidcap from the sources on Sourceforge (not the same as the *.orig tarball from the Ubuntu package for some reason). That usually produces something usable.

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My TTS sleep hack: a hi-tech cure for insomnia

For as long as I can remember myself I've had trouble falling asleep. I think there might be a genetic component to it because there seems to be a history of insomnia on my mother's side of the family. If you've never had this problem, consider yourself lucky. Even mild insomnia can royally screw with your quality of life. Actually I think that's an understatement considering the incompatibility insomnia can induce with the normal rhythms of society.

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Screencast production: Lessons learned from the making of my first screencasting


The following post summarizes the lessons I learned from my first serious Linux screencasting attempt, which was also my first foray into the world of open source audio video editing.

The first thing you need to know about screencast production, is that like pretty much anything worth doing, doing at a high level of quality is harder than it looks.

The TurnKey blog: where do we go from here?

When we started out a few years ago the scope of posts was very limited. Only news announcements, once every few months. The idea was to keep the signal to noise ratio down. But then a couple of years later we added tags to the blog and that changed everything because it meant we could offer a just-the-news feed to those who wanted it while opening up the blog to a broader range of subjects. Gradually the scope of the blog expanded until it included pretty much anything interesting we came across in our TurnKey adventures.

Introducing BitKey - A secure Bitcoin live USB/CD solution built with TKLDev

I'd like to announce a side project we've been working called BitKey. The idea was to see if we could use the TurnKey development tools to create a self-contained read-only CD/USB stick with everything you need to perform highly secure air-gapped Bitcoin transactions.

bitkey screenshot

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Introduction to Vim

Table of contents

How Foodsoft inspired me to rewrite the TKLDev documentation

A couple of weeks ago I was corresponding with @wvengen, a free software developer from the Netherlands who has been using TKLDev to package Foodsoft into a ready-to-use Foodsoft in a box solution that can be easily deployed to manage your own non-profit Food Coop.
