3rd party SSL/TLS certs on TurnKey: convert CER/P7B to PEM

Stuart recently asked via support how to use third party .cer or .p7b SSL/TLS certificates with TurnKey v14.x.

As I don't run any permanent websites, I'm not super familiar with different certificate formats. My only experience really has been through my years with TurnKey and I've only ever encountered the text file .pem certs. So I did a quick bit of research to help Stuart out. I figured that seeing as it's been a little while since I wrote a blog post and this info may be useful for others, I wrote it up. :)

Blog Tags: 

Meltdown and Spectre: What TurnKey users need to know

By now, I'm sure that you've already heard of the latest vulnerabilities doing the rounds; tagged Meltdown and Spectre. As seems to be the fashion, these new vulnerabilities have cool names, their own website, and the funky looking logos, just below.

I'll provide some more specific details and links for further reading below. I'll also cover checking that you are running a patched kernel, as well as some notes for AWS users.

Blog Tags: 

AWS Marketplace: False Positive Security Warning

It was recently brought to our attention that AWS Marketplace sent out a security warning direct to many of our AWS users. This occurred without any prior consultation with us, or verification that there was indeed an issue to warn about.

v14.2 Release Update #5 - final updated appliances and wrapup

About 3 weeks since my last announcement, I am super excited to announce the final few v14.2 appliances! And the completion (almost) of the v14.2 release! Yay!

v14.2 Release Update #4 - 17 more updated appliances and v14.2-update#3 optimized builds

This release update was a bit quicker! :) Barely 2 weeks since the last one, here comes another v14.2 update...!

v14.2 Release Update #3 - 3 brand new appliances and 24 updated apps (ISO only; others coming)

Almost another month has passed since my v14.2 - update #2 announcement. I must say that this is taking longer than I'd hoped, but we're getting there.

Blog Tags: 

Stack-Clash vulnerability - Reboot to enable new patched kernel

Once again, thanks to community member John Carver for highlighting a new Linux vulnerability. Qualys Security Labs discovered and demonstrated the vulnerability, and have named it "Stack-Clash".

v14.2 Release Update #2 - 25 more apps, new OpenStack, OVA & VMDK

What!?! Another month (actually a month and a half) has gone by and we're only just announcing the next batch?! Well, I better get on with it then!

v14.2 Release Update #1 - 27 more appliances

Wow, has it really been almost a month since I announced v14.2 Core?! Looks like it has! Time flies when you're having fun I guess... :)
