FLOSS weekly interview with TurnKey's Jeremy Davis

Our very own Jeremy Davis was interviewed by FLOSS weekly regarding all things TurnKey by Randal Schwartz and Aaaron Newcomb:

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Standing up for free software, a free Internet and a free society

Six years ago, in the fall of 2008, Alon and I started TurnKey GNU/Linux inspired by a belief in the democratizing power of free software (free as in speech, not beer), like science, to promote the progress of a free & humane society.

Enabling Debian 6.0 LTS Security Support

This announcement is for Debian 6.0 (AKA Squeeze / TurnKey 12) users who have not yet upgraded to Debian 7.0 (AKA Wheezy / TurnKey 13):

~# cat /etc/issue.net
Debian GNU/Linux 6.0

Support for security updates to Debian 6.0 officially ended on Saturday May 31 2014.

As you may have heard, for the first time Debian is experimenting with a five year Long Term Support (LTS) program that will extend support until Feb 2016:

And then there were three...

Hi all! This is my virgin TurnKey blog post. Many of you on the forums would have come across me in your travels no doubt. I have been a volunteer serial poster on the forums now for many years. I have even had the privilege of having a blog post written about me by Liraz (one of the core TurnKey devs).

What's the best way to do free software bounties?

First, I'd like to thank Joey, Noah and Jeremy for providing much needed feedback on a related blog post. Thanks guys. It really got me thinking. What if instead of a contest we figured out how to do community funded bounties? Wouldn't an open, continual system of free software bounties be much a better idea than doing another contest?

TurnKey 13 critical security issue (Heartbleed / CVE-2014-0160)

Without action, your TurnKey 13 installations may remain vulnerable to the critical Heartbleed OpenSSL attack (DSA-2896-1 CVE-2014-0160). This is not a theoretical attack.

What if all Debian/Ubuntu based dists used TKLDev?

Imagine if every Debian distribution in the world in the world was using TurnKey's build chain and collaborating with us on its development instead of limping along with various inefficient ad-hoc tools?

TurnKey currently doesn't get as many contributions back from the free software community as we'd like (our fault). I think there are two main reasons for that:

The pros, cons and alternatives to financial rewards in an open source project

Here's another blog post that started life as a response to a private email Jeremy Davis (JedMeister on the forums) sent me regarding various things we could try to recruit more developers as TurnKey contributors:

Building a better, bigger TurnKey library

This blog post started out as a response to a private email discussion between me and contributing developer Eric (tssgery) whom recently developed TurnKey Observium, one of TurnKey's top ten downloads. Observium is very popular for a newly hatched appliance. It has the same number of downloads as Redmine, which we've supported for a few years now!

Eric wrote:

TKL has two big issues as I see it:

  1. Marketing. You're the best kept secret of the internet.
  2. Testing. Too many appliance/products to be supported.
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Creating a bootable USB drive from an ISO image

What's an ISO?

ISO, short for ISO9660 is the standard filesystem format for optical disc media. This is the default format created by the TurnKey GNU/Linux build system (AKA TKLDev)

Why would you want to write an ISO to a USB drive?

Typically one of two reasons:
