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OG - Thu, 2010/12/16 - 21:09
I'm new to TLK, so maybe I'm misunderstanding something, but how come there is no VM to download on ? In particular, I thought I should be able get an AMI for EC2 from TLK, no?
I'd recommend using the Hub for EC2 deployment
There is a VM download available for 2009.10-2, but we only released ISO's for 11.0RC. The final 11.0 release will of course include all build options we currently support: ISO, VM (OVF), Vsphere, Xen, UEC and AMI's.
Regarding the AMI's, they are not downloadable but rather ready to be deployed on Amazon EC2. I'd recommend using the TurnKey Hub, but if you are focused on using the CLI, the AMI ID's are listed here.
11.0 ETA & Hub price?
Aha, thank you for the clarification, Alon. Is the *approximate* ETA for 11.0 known at this time by any chance?
Also, I looked at TK Hub (I don't mind the CLI, but click-click is even better). One thing I don't understand if this is and will be a free service or will it cost money to use?
ETA and Amazon pricing
We are pushing to release 11.0 by the end of the year, but as you might have read over the forum, we release when it's ready, and don't have a concrete release date. The 11.0RC builds are fairly stable, so if you are running locally, I'd recommend starting with them.
There is no cost in using the Hub per say, but you do pay for your usage of Amazon services.
Regarding EC2, we did a poll that lasted about a year which resulted in recently adding a 10% premium on usage fees to support future development. As for TKLBAM S3 storage, it's also pay as you go, details are here.
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