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Using git to store server configuration?

Does anyone store their server configuration in git?  It seems to me it would be a good way to keep a history of changes made to a server.

There are a few things I'm concerned about however;

What files to include:

- /etc seems like a pretty obvious place to start, as most applications keep their configuration in there, (but of course not all applications).
- /var/www (if applicable)

Software updates and such seem as though they could be handled by apt-get or some similar package update tool.


It's probably best to lock people out of it, and maybe even using git on the system at all, but what about storing the git repo in a sshfs mounted share that's only mounted when making changes to the server?

Repo Type:

Should the git repo be a hub-repo that copies it's changes out to the specified directories only when the changes have been pushed back out to it.


Anything else that would make a good best practice?
