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Migrating Existing Deployments Into TKL

Hi all, I began this discussion here and JedMeister suggested I open a new topic here on the forum.

As I said: I have 2 production instances running at Linode, both on Ubuntu 10.04.  One is a WordpressMU install, the other is a custom app built on django.

JedMeister 's suggestions:  "I would suggest that you install TKL (to wherever) and rsync from your existing server to the relevant TKL instance (WordPress and Django I would imagine). Hopefully you'll be lucky and it all works smoothly. Once you have it all transferred accross and working sweetly you can then use TKLBAM to back it up.

I would use TKL Django and WordPress appliances respectively (rather than Core). That way you will be able to take full advantage if TKLBAM for backups (TKLBAM will only backup what is needed - if you use Core you will have larger backups unneccesarily).

As TKL v11.x is based on Ubuntu 10.04, assuming that your current appliances are using default locations for content and settings, you should only have to rsync content and settings files and dump/import the MySQL database(s). If your current deployments are set up 'properly' then most, if not all of your tweaks should also transfer across no worries."

In the user docs at Linode I found these:

Using Rdiff-backup with SSHFS

Copy a Disk Image Over SSH

Synchronize files with Unison

Here's what I'm thinking:  I use MacFuse to mount my remote file systems locally.  I could set-up TKLDjango and Wordpress Apps and then try to synchronize them.  I could use several clients to do the sync.  What do you guys think?

If you agree, the question then becomes what precisely do I sync? I don't want to drag over any of Linodes' container controls obviously, so it's basically every diff that's on Ubuntu, And I'd probably probably not sync Webmin.  So it's probably /root, /home, and /var (minus webmin).  I've posted some screen grabs of the file structure so you can see for yourselves.

Please share you comments, thoughts...
