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possible turnkey-core ovf assembly integrity problem
I have downloaded several times from to make sure the file has not been corrupted on download.
The zip file checks ok for integrity with the Ubuntu archive manager.
When I try to import the Vm into VirtualBox 4.1.2 I get the following error:
Failed to import appliance <...>/turnkey-core11.2-lucid-x86.0vf
Could not create the clone medium '<...>/turnkey-core11.2-lucid-x86-disk1.vmdk'
Result Code: VBOX_E_FILE_ERROR (0x 80BB0004)
Component: Appliance
Interface IAppliance {<some sort of hash key>}
I am running Ubuntu Lucid as a workstation and have about 400GB free on the host volume.
Q: If the zip archive has no integrity problems, is there a possible problem with the original turnkey assembly that was zipped up?
P.S. I checked the file signature with gpg and and it was fine...
--Peter G