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TRAC 1.0.2 Migration to v14 - Error (No Trac environment found)
Jason - Sat, 2021/07/03 - 16:28
TKLBAM is backing up the old TRAC host. I've built a new host and the restore on it completes, but when I navigate to the TRAC project page the three links have errors;
- Clicking git-helloworld returns an internal server error
hg-helloworld isn't a link, and has the error text;
hg-helloworld: Error
(No Trac environment found at /var/local/lib/trac/hg-helloworld [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/var/local/lib/trac/hg-helloworld/VERSION')
hg-helloworld: Error
svn-helloworld isn't a link, and has the error text;
svn-helloworld: Error
(The Trac Environment needs to be upgraded. Run: trac-admin "/var/local/lib/trac/svn-helloworld" upgrade
svn-helloworld: Error
On the new host,
/var/www/projects/hg-helloworld/ contains
- conf db files
/var/www/projects/svn-helloworld/ contains
- README VERSION conf db htdocs log plugins templates
/var/www/projects/git-helloworld/ contains
- README VERSION conf db htdocs log plugins templates
How do I fix this?