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Cannot get turnkey-init working for any appliance on proxmox
Chux Uzoeto - Tue, 2014/03/11 - 21:11
I have been running proxmox ve with KVM for a while now. Decided recently to give TKL a go within proxmox, and it has been a bad experience so far.
The containers install OK (but show errors where one would expect the initialization scripts would have been run) .. after proxmox CT install, system boots into a console CLI prompt, where I am able to login.
All attempts (via proxmox 'vzctl enter' OR via the web console OR via an ssh session direct on the appliance) to initialize the container fails with similar error messages as below ..
- Proxmox VE 3.1-45
- I have tried the following appliances: jenkins, sugarcrm, zurmo, vtiger, canvas (all version 13.1, x64 .. except vtiger which is 12.1)
- As can be seen below, it complains about the nat module of iptables
- Errors seem to suggest python-tk is missing (and indeed dpkg shows its not installed)
- I installed (via apt-get) python-tk and apt-utils, but I am still unable to run a successful turnkey-init
- Anyone able to point me to how I can attempt to resolve this problem?
- Is there a way to get the appliances configured without using turnkey-init?
The error messages is attached as a text file, because your system kept flagging it as spam when I tried to paste it here ..