Steps to install Drush on TurnKey Drupal appliance 1. # apt-get update 2. # apt-get install wget php5-cli 3. Install Drush # cd /tmp # wget # tar -zxvf drush-All-Versions-2.1.tar.gz # chown -R root.root drush # mv drush /usr/share # ln -s /usr/share/drush/drush /usr/bin/drush # cp /usr/share/drush/examples/example.drushrc.php ~/.drushrc.php Edit ~/.drushrc.php replacing # $options['r'] = '/home/USER/workspace/drupal-6'; with $options['r'] = '/usr/share/drupal6/'; 4. Test # drush help # drush status # drush statusmodules 5. Cleanup # rm /tmp/drush-All-Versions-2.1.tar.gz Note: Edited on 1/23/10 to change php-cli to php5-cli, use /tmp instead of /opt, and cleanup after. Note: Edited on 4/25/10 to correct path error reported by Johnny Canuck. Note: Edited on 6/6/10 to correct symlink error reported by Dan.