mishav's picture

I looking to put 16 - 3 TB harddrives together in a server. All together there will be 48 TB of space on the harddrives. Is this ok for the Lamp Stack setup. I saw somewhere that starting from Ubuntu 9.1 the default setup is ext4 which supports a 1 exabyte volume which is 1 million TB.


Also this might be a stupid question but is the numbering of the stack equated to the version of Ubuntu being used. Like LampStack 11.3 for example is using Ubuntu 11.3?

Jeremy Davis's picture

I can't confirm this but a quick Google suggests that LVM2 with a 32 bit kernel can only support a max volume size of 16TB. So you'll need to use a 64 bit kernel to be able to use a 48TB volume (apparently 64 bit kernel can support volume size up to 8EB ie 8000000TB)

mishav's picture

Can turnkey lampstack be used with a 64 bit kernal?

Jeremy Davis's picture

But in practice it'd probably be so painful and buggy that the realistic/practical answer is no. It'd definately be easier to just install Ubuntu or Debian 64 bit from scratch and set it up. You won't get all the goodies that come preinstalled with TKL but most of that could be installed too if you're patient enough.

My suggestion would be to have a google for a tutorial on how to set up a Debian/Ubuntu (whichever you'd prefer) LAMP stack and then install extra bits as need be.

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