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Rudiger Wolf - Sat, 2010/07/03 - 15:06
Ok I seem to have TKLPatch working. Now instead of using overlay with fixed config settings I would like to use di-live.
There seem to be two things I need to get sorted.
1 - di-live file
2 - system config applier file
Drop this in /usr/lib/di-live.d
WHAT shuld I call the file? The TurnKey ISO file in this location seem to be pre-appended with numbers?
import sys
import common
TARGET = "/target"
def main():
if not common.target_mounted(TARGET):
sys.exit(10) # return to menu
db = common.Debconf()
username = db.get_input('Enter value for Username', 'testuser')
domain = db.get_input('Enter value for Domain', 'corp-domain')
proxy = db.get_input('Enter value for Proxy', '')
password = db.get_password('Enter password')
chroot = common.Chroot(TARGET)
chroot.system('cntlm-config %s %s %s %s' % (username, domain, proxy, password ))
if __name__ == "__main__":
place in .../overlay/usr/local/bin/cntlm-config
sed -e '/^Username/s/testuser/$1/g' $APT_CONF_FILE
sed -e '/^Domain/s/corp-uk/$2/g' $APT_CONF_FILE
sed -e '/^Password/s/password/$3/g' $APT_CONF_FILE
sed -e '/^Proxy/s/10\.217\.112\.4.\:8080/$4/g' $APT_CONF_FILE
sed -e '/^Listen/s/3128/9090/g' $APT_CONF_FILE
The above is untested, I will get to that shortly.
So is the approach OK?
What do I call the di-live.d file?
A little experimentation goes a long way
The filename for the di-live.d is basically arbitrary. Choose whatever you like. The numbers determine the execution order but if you don't care about that you can just leave that to chance.
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