Steve Pritchard's picture

Just installed the TK PDC server and loving it. I installed it to provide PDC services to my SoftEther VPN server install, and noticed you have the Open VPN server appliance.


I would love to see a linux SoftEther appliance, as softether has a Linux version for Debian 7! I find it faster with configurations for many different VPN connections including OpenVPN, Azure, IPsec/L2TP, PPTP, MS-SSTP. It also includes  L2/3 Bridging, and other helpful bits like AD/Radius Login, as well as plain password.

I think it would be a very useful addition to TK.


Liraz Siri's picture

SoftEther looks like a very impressive new project. I'm checking it out and I can see this is a very new project relative to OpenVPN. We should add this to the whiteboard!

I'm looking at the comparison with OpenVPN on the website and it seems to compare favourable in terms of functionality. I wonder how it compares in terms of the quality of implementation - which security probably depends on.

Liraz Siri's picture

Jeremy Davis's picture

Without some community involvement and initial work, I have no idea when, or even if we'll ever see an appliance for this...

Marc's picture

Just to let you know that softether can easily coexist with turnkey. I installed softether-vpnserver-v4.38-9760-rtm-2021.08.17-linux-x64-64bit.tar.gz on top of turnkey V16.1 (debian) and it compiled and ran without a hitch.   Now I can do remote access and file sharing on the same appliance.   Marc

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