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Joe - Thu, 2010/12/30 - 00:28
First off, your redmine image is awesome.
now to my issue. I have redmine running on virtual box. I want to move my unsourced code into a new git repository. I've followed the steps on this link from Dan's 2nd post.
cd /srv/repos/git
git init test
cd /test
touch readme
git add .
git commit -m "Inital Commit"
When i go into my redmine project, i have sucessfuly setup the project to use the respository @ /srv/repos/git/test/.git and my inital commit shows up fine.
I then followed the link @
ln -s /srv/repos/git/test/.git /var/cache/git/test.git
now the issue is when on my windows machine running cygwin and run the following command:
git clone git:// rc
I receive
$ git clone git:// rc
Cloning into rc...
fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly
Any help?
authentication issue
I bet it is an authentication issue. One way around is to just use SSH.
So I gave it another try
So I gave it another try doing both methods git:// and ssh://
My syntax may be wrong.
Sorry, I do everything with public/private key pairs so the syntax I gave you may be wrong. Try doing so without the password:
The message it gave you looks like it will then prompt you for your password. It also looks like you posted your password, so you may want to change it.
Its a throw away password if
Its a throw away password if i did, but i believe i canceled it out with <Password>
even without the password it still says "'/git/test' does not appear to be a repository'
I did another test using the helloworld git repository. I can download the helloworld project using git:// but using ssh:// it gives me the 'not a repository' error again.
Different paths
I think that if you use ssh, you may need to specify the local path to the repo. So instead of //server/git/repo you would need //server/srv/repos/git/repo.
Does this work for you? :
As I said, I always use ssh and public keys. So if anyone has tips on making all this work using git://, I would appreciate the knowledge as well.
That worked!
That worked!
My question now is why does git:// work while git:// does not?
File permissions
It could be due to different file permissions and ownership on the two directories.
Do you know what i should
Do you know what i should look at to fix that or some keywords to google?
Use "ls -l" command
to show you the permissions, owner, and group for the files. I would look at the group of the helloworld directory and (recursively) modify the group of the test directory to match.
You can check out for more information.
Does this look legit. ignore
Does this look legit. ignore releasecatcher, that's the actual repository i want but test repo is still valid.
Probably not file permissions
Everything is owned by root, so it probably doesn't have to do with file permissions. Sorry, but I don't know the answer to this and don't currently have a system set up to test with.
Probably not file permissions
I guess is missing the git-daemon-export-ok, so you need to got into the .git directory ad run
touch git-daemon-export-ok
And everything must run smoothly.
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