Careful, Newbie here :-( Just installed joomla15-11.1-lucid-x86 and it shows running in the aws console. I thought I was carefull noting all the usernames / passwords in the process of signing up for amazon and turnkey. Trying to enter web management I am prompted for a username - I know my root password - but I can't figure out what is supposed to be my username...
Jeremy Davis's picture

When you refer to "web management" are you referring to Webmin (https://<hostname-or-ip>:12321/) or Joomla itself? If it's Webmin then the username by default is root. If it's the Joomla specific admin WebUI then admin should be the username. This info is available on the relevant appliance page (in this case here) just scroll down to "Credentials".

Thanks JedMeister! Root was the correct answer and I should have figured that out :-(  One more question: what joomla optimization is already included in this install? (i.e. caching of pages and queries).

Jeremy Davis's picture

As for optimisations sorry I have no idea. That'd be a question for Alon &/or Liraz (core dev team).

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