Turnkey SuiteCRM 15.0 (SuiteCRM 7.8.20) - In Chrome, many times it is not saving changes when I click Save as both an Admin and a regular User. Sometimes the changes will save. Most times is not outputting any errors and acts like it has saved the changes I have made.  See error in FireFox Mozilla page when try to save that says "Bad data passed in. Return to Home"

I have been using Turnkey SuiteCRM for about 2 years. Has been working well.

I downloaded and installed Turnkey SuiteCRM 15.0 (SuiteCRM 7.8.20)  on a test computer. The computer is on a local network, so instead of adding a fully qualified domain name during installation, I used the IP address ( and set the networking to a static IP.

 I added 1 user and 1 lead.  When I have been trying to update the settings either when logged in as Admin or when logged in as the user and try to change settings in Email settings, Password management, Profile, etc., the program acts like it is saving the changes, but when I go back into it, most of the time it does not save the changes.  Sometimes after doing this process several times it will save the changes.  This is very frustrating.

I have tried to coordinate the time settings for the admin and the added user but this does not seem to fix the problem.

I did have to change the permissions and user/group for the suitecrm files because some files/folders were owned by root:root and others by www-data. So I issued the commands recommended by SuiteCRM:

cd /var/www
chown -R www-data:www-data suitecrm
chmod -R 755 suitecrm
cd suitecrm
chmod -R 775 cache custom modules themes data upload config_override.ph

This still has not fixed the problem.

I have been using Chrome browser.  I also tried doing some of the changes in FireFox Mozilla to see if I would get something else.  When I click Save in FireFox for updating a profile setting then it goes to a white page that says "Bad data passed in: Return to Home"

I would appreciate any assistance you can provide to help me solve these issues. I would like to be able to use this version instead of the old version I have been using that has SuiteCRM 7.7.8 and php 5.

Output of suitecrm.log  (includes logs as I have been making the corrections in time and ownership)
Fri Nov  9 18:15:43 2018 [1514][1][FATAL] ERROR: rmdir_recursive(): argument cache/themes/Suite7/modules is not a file or a dir.
Fri Nov  9 18:15:43 2018 [1514][1][FATAL] ERROR: rmdir_recursive(): argument cache/themes/SuiteR/modules is not a file or a dir.
Fri Nov  9 18:18:27 2018 [1512][-none-][FATAL] FAILED LOGIN:attempts[1] - sharon
Fri Nov  9 18:27:52 2018 [1513][1][FATAL] project_resource for projects_users_resources failed to load

Fri Nov  9 18:27:52 2018 [1513][1][FATAL] error loading relationship project_resource
Fri Nov  9 18:27:52 2018 [1513][1][FATAL] am_projecttemplates_resources for am_projecttemplates_users_resources failed to load

Fri Nov  9 18:27:52 2018 [1513][1][FATAL] error loading relationship am_projecttemplates_resources
Fri Nov  9 18:29:25 2018 [1741][1][FATAL] Failed to load original or custom subpanel data for eapm in modules//metadata/subpanels/.php

Some of the last output from /var/log/apache2/error.log

[Fri Nov 09 18:29:25.559729 2018] [:error] [pid 1741] [client] PHP Notice:  Undefined index: eapm in /var/www/suitecrm/include/SubPanel/SubPanelDefinitions.php on line 755, referer:
[Fri Nov 09 18:30:54.761721 2018] [:error] [pid 1741] [client] PHP Notice:  Array to string conversion in /var/www/suitecrm/modules/Emails/EmailUI.php on line 448, referer:
[Fri Nov 09 18:34:40.217564 2018] [:error] [pid 1820] [client] PHP Notice:  Array to string conversion in /var/www/suitecrm/modules/Emails/EmailUI.php on line 448, referer:
[Fri Nov 09 18:55:50.697608 2018] [mpm_prefork:notice] [pid 796] AH00169: caught SIGTERM, shutting down
[Fri Nov 09 18:57:32.934410 2018] [ssl:warn] [pid 632] AH01909: localhost:443:0 server certificate does NOT include an ID which matches the server name
[Fri Nov 09 18:57:32.935249 2018] [ssl:warn] [pid 632] AH01909: localhost:12322:0 server certificate does NOT include an ID which matches the server name
[Fri Nov 09 18:57:33.109833 2018] [ssl:warn] [pid 726] AH01909: localhost:443:0 server certificate does NOT include an ID which matches the server name
[Fri Nov 09 18:57:33.110320 2018] [ssl:warn] [pid 726] AH01909: localhost:12322:0 server certificate does NOT include an ID which matches the server name
[Fri Nov 09 18:57:33.114996 2018] [mpm_prefork:notice] [pid 726] AH00163: Apache/2.4.25 (Debian) OpenSSL/1.0.2l configured -- resuming normal operations
[Fri Nov 09 18:57:33.115047 2018] [core:notice] [pid 726] AH00094: Command line: '/usr/sbin/apache2'


Jeremy Davis's picture

Could you please provide a little more detail on how we can reproduce the issues that you've experienced? If we can reproduce it, we should be able to fix it. We can then document a workaround, with an aim to release a fixed appliance ASAP.

Also FWIW, we recently had a bug report related to issues logging in as admin. I wonder if they're at all related?

Hi Jeremy - It appears the main body of my message did not actually get posted because I am not seeing it in this thread and just see  your reply asking for more information. I saw a posting a few days ago about other people having problems with their posts or comments showing up.

I will provide detailed information below. It appears to be fixed now. It looks like there are 3 issues: 1) it was a cache problem, 2) problem with emailAddressReplyToFlag, and 3) there appears to be a problem with the user:group settings for the SuiteCRM files and folders. I hired someone to help me troubleshoot and I will provide you the information  below for this site's reference and if you agree this is a proper fix, then you can include it in future updates.   :)

I have been using Turnkey SuiteCRM for about 2 years. It has been working well. I want to give back to the community. Thank you for all the hard work that you do.

I downloaded and installed Turnkey SuiteCRM 15.0 (SuiteCRM 7.8.20)  on a test computer. The computer is on a local network, so instead of adding a fully qualified domain name during installation, I used the IP address ( and set the networking to a static IP.

 I added 1 user and 1 lead.  When I tried to update the settings either when logged in as Admin or when logged in as the user and I tried to change settings in Email settings, Password management, Profile, etc., the program acted like it was saving the changes, but when I wentback into it, most of the time it did not save the changes.  Sometimes after doing this process several times it did save the changes.  I could not get it to save allowing the "reply to" box to be checked in a user's profile.  This was very frustrating.

I coordinated the time settings for the admin and the added user but this did not seem to fix the problems.

I did have to change the permissions and user:group for the suitecrm files because some files/folders were owned by root:root and others by www-data:www-data. So I issued the commands recommended by SuiteCRM:

cd /var/www
chown -R www-data:www-data suitecrm
chmod -R 755 suitecrm
cd suitecrm
chmod -R 775 cache custom modules themes data upload config_override.ph

This still did not fix the problem.

I have been using Chrome browser.  I also tried doing some of the changes in FireFox Mozilla to see if I would get something else.  When I clicked Save in FireFox for updating a profile setting then it went to a white page that said "Bad data passed in: Return to Home"

To fix the "Reply to" checkbox being able to save in a User's profile I did the following:

1.    open the file at the path cache/include/javascript/sugar_grp_emails.js find emailAddressReplyToFlag and remove the extra double quote from emailAddressReplyToFlag 
2.    in the file that is at the path jssource/src_files/include/SugarEmailAddress/SugarEmailAddress.js do the same as in above file

To fix "Enable system generated password feature" checkbox not saving when saving system settings. This includes fixing of caching issue.

1.    Open the file /etc/php/7.0/apache2/php.ini and set opcache.revalidate_freq = 0
2.    Run the following command “service apache2 restart”


Jeremy Davis's picture

Thanks heaps for sharing your experience. We'll look to address the issues that you brought up in the next SuiteCRM appliance release.

Sorry to hear that the txt of your original post also got lost. I'm pretty sure I've fixed that now though. Please do not hesitate to email me direct (jeremy AT turnkeylinux.org) if you experience any weirdness with the website again.

I note that the PHP opcache setting that you have updated is not recommended on a production server. My understanding is that the opcache (which you have essentially disabled via that setting change) caches the result of processing the PHP files. This will radically speed up a production server's ability to server pages to users. It's fine on a development server as you would often wish to see the updated results of changes made to PHP files. But on a production server, the opcache cache should only be updated after PHP files have been edited/updated (which on a TurnKey LAMP based appliance such as SuiteCRM, can manually be done by restarting Apache - as you did to apply the change you made).

So whilst that may have appeared to resolve the issue in your case, I'm not 100% sure whether that's really what did it, or if that was coincidental (perhaps a result of something else you did it was actually the Apache restart that applied your changes?). So it sounds to me like that one may need some further investigation.

WRT the file permissions, our default set up is by design. Having many/most files owned by root by default means that if an attacker does manage to break into your server, then the amount of damage that they can do is significantly limited. Having said that, under some circumstance, that can cause issues, especially if there are files that the webserver needs to update but can't (which may be the case in this instance i.e. perhaps we missed a file that should be writable by the webserver?). Also when software is updated by the root user, that can sometimes cause issues.

The "Reply to" issue that you note though, does sound like something that can and should be addressed fairly easily by us at build time. We'll definitely look to address that for the next release. I'll also have a closer look at those other things as well.

Thanks again.

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