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Scott - Thu, 2011/03/31 - 01:31
Simple question I think - and I can't find the answer - would be good to have it on the FAQs on documented somewhere... anyway....
What ports need to be open to allow backup to the tkl hub? And is there a range of IP addresses that could be specified to further limit the access? Obviously important if you want to backup/restore from behind a reasonably well controlled firewall.
Any help appreciated, Scott.
No inbound ports, web access to the Hub and AWS
As for the IP ranges, you can look up the current values in the DNS, but alas there's no guarantee that they will stay the same.
BTW, one of my favorite ways of figuring out what sort of network traffic is going out of my system is the iptraf tool:
Great, thanks for the info.
It shouldn't be...
Why do you ask?
I know this is an old topic but...
I just installed a firewall and had to open up access to port 123 for TKLBAM to be able to reach the NTP server before it runs it's other processes. I actually made a bypass rule, but I probably could have just made a standard firewall rule instead.
Thanks for posting!
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