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EB - Sun, 2019/10/20 - 02:01
Surprisingly I haven't found how to enable screen blanking after a period of inactivity. Curious that I've not seen any such question.
Using Turnkey Linux Wordpress, current version.
Edit the kernel parameter 'consoleblank'
By default, TurnKey has 'consoleblank=0' (i.e. screen blanking disabled). You can change the zero to the number of seconds that you wish for it to wait before it blanks the console.
As it's a kernel parameter (which are set at boot time), you need to adjust the grub config and reboot to apply the change. OOTMH, it will go something like this:
E.g. to set a 2 minute (i.e. 120 seconds) timeout before blanking, edit /etc/default/grub and find the line"
And change it to:
FWIW the default setting is 10 minutes, so if that suits you, you could instead just remove the consoleblank parameter altogether; i.e.:
Then update grub:
And to double check that the setting has been applied:
Should return something like this (you may have more lines and some parameters of your system may be different, so we're just checking that 'consoleblank=120' is in there):
Then reboot! :)
Once you've rebooted, you can double check what 'consoleblank' is set to in your running system, like this:
It works!
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