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Chris - Thu, 2020/02/13 - 17:26
I have created a new Fileserver container and am having trouble getting to a login from the Windows file browser. Here is what I have done so far to set everything up.
- Created the LXC container and populated it with the TKL FileServer (v15.0)
- Configured the FS from SSH
- Logged in as root from the Webmin
- Created Debian user (for demonstration purposes, we shall use the U/N "bob", password "12345")
- Assigned "bob" to the "users" group
- Converted Debian "bob" to Samba "bob"
- Set Samba "bob"s password to 12345
- Created a share with the correct permissions (bob:users)
- Disabled and re-enabled the network adapter on my Windows machine(s) (I have tried this on multiple machines and had the same result)
- Attempted to access my TKL Samba share at
- Attempted to login with the correct username and password in the Windows Security Enter Network Credentials dialog box
- Repeated Failure
Can someone point me in a direction I need to look to fix this? I had a TKL Samba instance up and running (very well) before but had a catastrophy and now I am recreating everything from scratch.Any help is appreciated before I pull out the rest of my hair.
DISREGARD - Found the problem
Ifound my issue. Simply needed to restart the Samba service. Bonehead move on my part!
No worries Chris! It happens to the best of us! :)
No worries Chris! It happens to the best of us! :)
Thanks for posting back though regardless. It might help someone else say "Doh!" a little sooner! ;)
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