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Key Turner - Fri, 2020/07/24 - 14:01
Install to hard disk
-> guided - use entire disk and set up LVM
-> write the changes to disk and configure LVM ? -> No
-> write the changes to disk and configure LVM ?
No way out. ;-)
would have expected to get into the previous menu.
Our installer is based on Debian Installer
Our installer is essentially a wrapper for d-i and IIRC it should drop back to the "main menu" (which you'll see when using a default Debian install but rarely ever see when using TurnKey).
I've had a cursory look but nothing jumped out at me. I'll have to have a closer look at some point. To ensure that it doesn't get forgotten, I've opened an issue. I've also added a little more info there regarding where I suspect the issue may be.
Thanks for reporting.
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