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Remi - Wed, 2012/05/02 - 18:40
Hi there,
After installing a Spanish language module I cannot log into the portal. Instead I get an error mesage: Sorry! Attempt to access restricted file.
Is there a fix for that?
Thanks in advance.
Assuming you can still log in via SSH
Then you should be able to reset the password.
When you say that you can't log into the 'portal' what exactly do you mean? Webmin? Also where/how are you running your appliance (eg AWS/VM/etc)?
Hmm, I know nothing about vTiger...
So it may be a question for the vTiger community. Looks like they have forums here.
Having said that the first thing that springs to mind is that perhaps you also need to configure the OS itself to use the alternative language too? Perhaps vTiger is misinterpreting the password because OS is English but vTiger is using alternate language?
Are you running the appliances locally?
If so perhaps your ISP is blocking the ports? Also perhaps double check that SSL/TLS is enabled (IIRC it should be OOTB - but perhaps double check).
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