Hey guys,

I don't know how to name this topic cause I don't really know what is the problem. I chose TurnKey Linux for my WordPress blog ( but I have problems with the setup. Suddenly the server stops working properly and the blog is down. What to do?

PS: It's WordPress multisite (network).

Jeremy Davis's picture

Without giving more information about how it is set up, what it is doing exactly and what you have tried so far it is near impossible to make any suggestions...

Sorry... Well, every day -just like now at 11:03 (GTM+3)- the server is not responding. It says that there is an error with the database and I can't do anything, while the rest of the day I publish posts like there is no problem. I try to reboot the server from the control panel of filemedia and the problem continue to exist.

The blog is techcommunity.gr and the server IP if you want to check.

I have set-up a network WordPress site and I don't want to reformat the VPS server.

I figured out what's wrong (DDoS attack). So, please mark it as solved... Thanks!

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