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supertramp - Mon, 2013/12/02 - 08:23
I am very new to LDAP and SSL.
I am facing some problem in configuring SSL in openldap through OPENSSL.
I have an LDAP server setup in Redhat and Websphere setup in Server 2008 mahine. I am able to configure LDAP server with websphere and able to use WAS through LDAP successfully
Since i don't want to use CA certificate so i followed steps for Self signed certificate only.
But when i try to do SSL connection check by following command:
openssl s_client -connect localhost:636 -showcerts
openssl s_client -connect <ip>:636 -showcerts
openssl s_client -connect hostname:636 -showcerts
openssl s_client -connect <ip>:636 -showcerts
openssl s_client -connect hostname:636 -showcerts
I get following handshake error:
[root@ldap openldap]# openssl s_client -connect <ip>:636 -showcerts
140790E5:SSL routines:SSL23_WRITE:ssl handshake failure:s23_lib.c:184:
no peer certificate available
No client certificate CA names sent
SSL handshake has read 0 bytes and written 113 bytes
New, (NONE), Cipher is (NONE)
Secure Renegotiation IS NOT supported
Compression: NONE
Expansion: NONE
no peer certificate available
No client certificate CA names sent
SSL handshake has read 0 bytes and written 113 bytes
New, (NONE), Cipher is (NONE)
Secure Renegotiation IS NOT supported
Compression: NONE
Expansion: NONE
Any help in resolving the error would be appreciated.
Waiting for any help.. Thanks
Waiting for any help.. Thanks
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