Ben James's picture

Hi all

We had a power cut at the weekend and I've only just realised that Moodle isn't accessible.

It is a Turnkey Appliance (64 bit 2.6.x Linux) running on VMWare. I can ping the Moodle server IP Address and also connect without a problem to Webmin but when I try to get to the actual Moodle Server to login, it just says the webpage cannot be displayed.

Any ideas? It was working fine before the power cut. I can't see any problems when looking at the appliance in VMWare vSphere.

Jeremy Davis's picture

Assuming that you can get commandline access, try restarting it:

service apache2 restart

And look for anything that comes up. You could also have a look at the Apache Log files to see if there are any errors there. IIRC they are in /var/log/apache2

Failing that maybe MySQL? Although I'd think that would give a Moodle error rather than not display a page at all...

Also perhaps double check the IP. By default TKL appliances use DHCP so it may have changed (although sounds unlikely if Webmin works...)

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