Fileserver (inc MediaServer & TorrentServer)

Also see other Fileserver related notes

Update/increase WebDAV CGI upload file size

The default web UI for (Samba based) file management in TurnKey Fileserver (inc MediaServer & Torrent server) is WebDAV CGI. By default the maximum upload filesize is 1GB. However this can be tweaked easily by updating the WebDAV CGI's config file: /var/www/webdavcgi/webdav.conf

This is what the relevant section of the default config file looks like:

## maximum post size (only POST requests)
## EXAMPLE: $POST_MAX_SIZE = 1_073_741_824; # 1GB
$POST_MAX_SIZE = 1_073_741_824;

As may be obvious, to increase (or decrease) that max file size, update the value of $POST_MAX_SIZE. As may also be obvious, the value is in bytes, with a '_' separator rather than a comma which is often used to make large numbers human readable. For example, to increase the max file size to 2GB, update the relevant line to look like this:

$POST_MAX_SIZE = 2_147_483_648;

To apply the update, restart Apache:

systemctl restart apache2


Harry Wagner's picture

Thankyou looking for a solution as well