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Home/ New TurnKey Redis version (16.2)
- RedisCommander upgraded to 0.7.1.
- Significant refactoring to Inithook:
- New default: bind to interface.
- New default: leave 'protected mode' enabled/true when run
- Rewording of some dialogs.
- Replace '--bind_ip' switch with '--bind' - select either 'localhost' or
'all' interfaces to bind to (rather than stating IP).
- Fix typo in firstboot.d/40redis - closes #1392.
- Fix Redis password check Confconsole plugin failing - closes #1533.
- Rename Redis pasword check Confconsole plugin to make it clear it relates
to Redis (menu entry comes from filename).
- Note: Please refer to turnkey-core's 16.1 changelog for changes common to all
appliances. Here we only describe changes specific to this appliance.