v17.1 Stable Release #5 - 17 More Updated & Buggfixed ISOs, Promxox & Hub Builds

We have the 5th release for 17.1 (see previous v17.x announcements here if you wish). We're fairly close to finishing the initial v17.x release, with only 4 appliances remaining - so one more small batch!

v17.1 Stable Release #4 - 8 More Updated ISOs & Hub Builds, Plus Bug Fixes

I hope everyone had a happy holiday season; Turnkey associates have definitely been busy over the holidays. We have a 4th installment of stable v17.1 appliances and the 7th release for 17.x (see the first 6 announcements here if you wish).

How to create new sftp user with access to /var/www

In what appears to be the new way I do things (i.e. here and here), following a question from TurnKey Hub user Rob, I'm posting this "tutorial" as a blog post.

Install newer (or latest) PostgreSQL on TurnKey

PostgreSQL logo

TurnKey Hub user Vishal recently asked about installing PostgreSQL v14+ on TurnKey. He noted that he was interested in Postgres 14 or higher because of the new IVM extension (incrementally updating materialized views). I started answering his support request, but then thought I might as well post this on the blog as perhaps it provides value for others?!

Firstly, some context and background...

v17.1 Stable Release #3 - 14 more ISOs & Hub builds

This will be technically the 3rd installment of stable v17.1 appliances and the 6th release for 17.x (see the first 5 announcements here if you wish). As previously noted, all of these apps have the v17.0 bugfix applied (many had no offical v17.0 release).

v17.1 Stable Release #2 - 24 more ISOs, Hub builds and Proxmox/LXC

After a bit of a delay - due to other competing priorities; such as our webserver dying - the v17.x release continues. As per previous updates all these appliances are being built as v17.1.

Hacking on Debian packages - the quick and dirty way

TurnKey user Ed Carp was recently trying to install TKLBAM on Linux Mint 20.3/Una (which is based on Ubuntu 20.04/Focal). Despite my best efforts, he kept hitting issue after issue.

v17.1 - The v17.x release continues with bugfixed builds

After a bit of hiccup, I am pleased to be back to announce the ongoing release of v17.x appliances. Because of the bug, the previously released v17.0 appliances have been patched with a bugfix and re-released as v17.1. They also include all the latest Debian packages.

Bug Alert! v17.0 security updates kernel. Reboot results in kernel panic.

2022-05-17 Update: All affected appliances have now been bugfixed and rebuilt as v17.1. The v17.x release will continue, with all new appliances to be released as v17.1.

Do you love TurnKey? Have a few spare cycles and want to help out?

2022-05-17 Update: Please note that due to a bug, all v17.0 appliances have now been bugfixed and rebuilt as v17.1. The v17.x release will continue, with all new appliances to be released as v17.1.
