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Submitted by los on Fri, 2009/05/01 - 16:32
I just downloaded and installed the Wordpress appliance, and fired it up for the first time. I get a prompt: "wordpress login:" to which I respond with the information from the appliance's page (
- username admin, password turnkey
- username editor, password turnkey
But when I try either of these, the response is: "Login incorrect"
What to do? Has the information changed?
I can't reproduce this
This sounds silly, but are you sure that you (or someone else) didn't change the passwords? Try installing again. Also, more information on your environment might help me guess what could be going wrong. Installation type (physical machine or virtual machine and what type), browser, browser extensions, etc.
Some details...
WordPress login or Ubuntu login?
Thank you
Up and running
Trying to figure out how to avoid confusing newbies
The other day I found a charming meta-screencast by Linux Journal - How to Make a Linux Screencast.
confconsole exiting with ALT+a
I cannot reproduce the issue with the confconsole exiting on ALT+a. When I do the key sequence it produces the dialog "Do you really want to quit". This was implemented back in late december and therefore should be included in the wordpress release.
Could you confirm that the confirmation dialog is not produced. Is an error displayed?
You can relaunch the confconsole by typing confconsole
This might help
I also cannot get the default login to work on bittorrent applia
I also cannot get the default login to work on bittorrent appliance. I assume I did something like the above mentioned but cannot figure it out. Grrrr
I posted on your other thread
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