Jesse's picture

I am interested in testing the "File server" virtual appliance. I am trying to set it up using amazon, it keeps instead setting up the "TurnKey Backup and Migration " service.

I am a bit confused about virtual appliances and what "hub" is. Documentation/Help in these areas would be appreciated.

A step by step how to would be really nice...

Jeremy Davis's picture

Firstly TurnKey Backup and Migration (aka TKLBAM) is included in all TKL appliances. If you are just evaluating it quite ok to skip that step in the setup. However IMO it is a great backup system that is unique to TKL. Have a read about it on the announcement blog post here, and in the docs here.

The Hub is a central user friendly place for controlling AWS appliance instances as well as TKLBAM backups. It is the preferred way to launch new servers. Have a read about it on the announcement blog post here, or have a look at it here.

There is a (user contributed) getting started page in the docs here. The user that set that page up wasn't using the Hub or AWS so there may be some pieces of your puzzle missing, but it should at least clarify a few things for you.

The docs have quite a few holes, but there is a lot of info in there if you care to take the time to browse (link at the top of the page under help). And while not perfect, the search function can bring up some good info. There is a lot of good stuff buried in the forums.

Jesse's picture

Hmm well I am trying to use it via the HUB. When I get to the enable storage section, it says its all enabled, and then present me with :

TurnKey Hub Login


After logging in, I get this:


Forbidden (403)

CSRF verification failed. Request aborted.

Jeremy Davis's picture

The Hub seems to be working fine for me. I suggest that you contact the devs directly. If you can log in far enough to get the blue 'Feedback' button on the left hand side I'd suggest that you use that, otherwise send an email to alon and/or liraz at

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