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Abkrim Mateos - Mon, 2012/10/22 - 19:06
I've a problem after run update on this appliance.
Now Virtual machine don't work, because cna't mount udev and associates services.
I thinked taht this appliance it's based on Ubunut, but file name, contain name convention of Debian.....
I like restore Virtualmachine.
On this momento with live cd, start VPS, and mount root lvm partition on Live Session for move to another server...
But... there're any system for update appliance and recover problems with udev ?
I don't like move 2TB or lost 2TB
Sorry my english.
I assume that it is v12.x?
TKL v12.x is based on Debian 6 (aka Squeeze) which I suspect is what you are using (as it has Debian in the name of the image) although if it is the older v11.x series that was based on Ubuntu 10.04 (aka Lucid).
Although it is probably irrelevant as they are quite similar (Ubuntu 10.04 was built on Debian 6 while it was still in testing).
It sounds like the best thing to do would be to boot your VM using a Linux live CD (you can just use an ISO you shouldn't need to physically burn it to CD) of some sort and copy out your data (if you don't have a backup). Without having more details I suspect that you may have some data and/or filesystem corruption. Try running fsck on the filesystem (if you search the forums and/or the internet you should find instruction on how to do that).
Not corruptio file system
It's not file corruption. It's a bad upgrade. /dev/run and udev (ethernal problem udev) crash, also boot form hard disk or boot from LiveCd.
I'm to move all data trought net to other hosts.
Yo solo se que no se nada...
Castris Hosting
So it won't boot from Live ISO either then!?
Ok, another way... What about creating a new VM and add the old VM harddrive image to the new VM and access your data that way?
Thanks. Virtual machine it's
Virtual machine it's KVM over Proxmox. Not enough space on host.
Now it's near finish copy data, and try re-install system.
Yo solo se que no se nada...
Castris Hosting
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