Alex Lee's picture

Hello there,

I downloaded the latest Fileserver appliance the other day (September 12, 2012) and installed it.  When I try uploading files using the Ajaxplorer, the small upload window shows an upload limit of 16 M.

1) I have tried editing /etc/php5/cgi/php.ini, changing the post_max_size and upload_max_size values.  Doesn't work.

2) I read the documentation on Ajaxplorer and it tells me that it is not a limit imposed by it but PHP.

3) I have edited _every_ file with the name php.ini in it and still nothing.


Please help!  Thank you very much!

Alex Lee

Jeremy Davis's picture

service apache2 restart


/etc/init.d/apache restart

[edited due to mistake suggesting to restart Apache when TKL File Server appliance uses LigHTTPd]

service lighttpd restart


/etc/init.d/lighttpd restart

Jeremy Davis's picture

What leads me to think that is the mention of the 'admin' user account (as opposed to Drew's mention of the Samba root user).

Webmin does not have a user account called 'admin' (although I guess someone might call the 'root' account the admin account...!?) but I haven't seen that option in Webmin before either (and it sounds like you can't find it...)

So try logging in to Ajaxplorer as 'admin' with the password that you set on firstboot (or in the Hub if you are running this on AWS). If you are running as an OVZ container then you'll need to run 'turnkey-init' to set passwords if you haven't already (I think this applies to Xen and OpenStack images too).

Jeremy Davis's picture

Good bit of documentation right there! :)

Jeremy Davis's picture

Here. Be great if any/all of you guys could check it out and correct it if I've got anything wrong... Thanks! :)

Marco Ovalle's picture

oooook... but, I have a quick question... Where is Ajaxplorer ?

Jeremy Davis's picture

It is the web app available by browsing (with a web browser) direct to your Fileserver. It provides the WebUI for up/downloading files. Sounds like perhaps that needs to be clearer...

Jeremy Davis's picture

on a PC that has a network connection to your fileserver appliance and in the address bar type the IP or FQDN of you appliance.

Bao Nguyen's picture

Hi there!

 I want to upgrade new version 5.0 from How about do it?

Jeremy Davis's picture

Perhaps their forums and/or wiki and/or other documentation (see this post I just did but think 'AjaXplorer' when I say 'osCommerce').

Brian's picture

Hey, this information works great "" I set sam to this


upload_max_filesize =512M
memory_limit = 1024M
post_max_size = 512M

And works very great, I think expand Memory ram to upload more large files.

I have a question, Went a "Drop" files, works fine, but when Y "Drop folders" i AjaExplorer Say "Sorry you can drop folders, only files" there is a posibility to enable "Drop folders in AjaExplorer"?

thanks a Lot for the answers (for my question)

PS: I hope to contribute with this project that I find wonderful

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