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Rik Goldman - Thu, 2012/12/20 - 06:38
For a project that we're too engaged with, students and I are exploring graphing server solutions. We started with rrdtool and quickly found cacti. But a student pointed us toward graphite, and I really didn't want to rediscover how to install every time we wanted to test it. So I've scripted a solution. I suppose they could be build notes toward a TKLPatch. Script on next post.
Graphite docs are here:
We like: the API (nicely documented); the RRD alternative is nice and seems very quick and efficient.
Draft conf script for Graphite
Draft conf script for potential TKLpatch - I can't figure out how to eliminate the interaction it wants when syncing db (typical of django apps?). Any ideas ( Also, this configures Graphite vhost to listen on 8080 with the assumption that people might like to use 80 for other things. Intended to be a patch applied to Core. Here's the script:
I think a daemon is needed for started
Looks like there's an init.d script at github - gist:
But it's for Ubuntu.
Shouldn't matter I don't reckon
I had a quick glance over it and not that I'm any expert in these things but I didn't see anything glaringly Ubuntu specific. If I were you I'd give it a go and see what happens. If it doenss't work then share the errors/log messages and I'm happy to try to help work it out (as time permits at this crazy time of year...)
Updating on GitHub
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