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N Wayne Ikebuchi - Wed, 2010/01/06 - 13:09
I got an Amazon EC2 Turnkey torrent instance up and running...
My question:
Where / how do I upload a torrent file from my laptop harddrive to the AMI so it will run?
I am using a private bittorrent site that encodes my user info in the torrent file as I download it.
When I try to download it off the site when I am logged in - the torrent does not load ...
presumably because the AMI is not logged in to the site.
I know the torrent file on my computer includes the necessary info so it is tracked to my account on the site but I don't know how to load it manually.
Thanks in advance for the help
Have you tried the Firefox extension?
It can be found here
The other alternative would be to use sftp but I'm not 100% sure how you would then start the download. Probably worth having a read on the MLDonkey website (the software that handles the torrents).
Good luck.
Oops almost forgot - there's also the web interface - P2P-GUI!
There is also some handy setup info re ports etc which can be found in the TKL Documentation
Firefox extension might not work on a private site
Its tricky. You might want to try uploading your torrent file to one of the subdirectories in /var/lib/mldonkey/torrents.
Ah - good point Liraz!
I'm not sure whether ML Donkey has the ability to cope with cookies or not, but if so that may be a good upgrade to the TKL Torrent appliance for next release?
What about the P2P-GUI/webgmui interface? You should be able to upload and start torrents with that shouldn't you? You would need to download the torrent file to your desktop first then upload it to TKL TorrentServer (to avoid the potential cookie issue). To access it in your browser - use your appliance IP followed by the P2P-GUI port number. I'm not sure of the port to use but it'd be on the confconsole screen (the blue screen that TKL boots to).
If using SFTP I think its probably worth consulting the ML Donkey documentation as many torrent handlers have a function where you can set an 'autoload' folder where all torrents drpped there autostart. This could be the easiest way to go?
FYI Liraz - uTorrent's web interface is possibly the only one I've seen with cookie upload function but I haven't tested it. I currently use uTorrent running on my virtual XP install because unfortunately I'm yet to come across an OpenSource torrent handler that has the fine grain config (different default sharing ratios for different torrents, start/stop and bandwidth scheduling, etc) that I want/need through a web interface. Azureus/Vuze is probably the closest but its such a resource hog and the web interface doesn't contain enough remote config options. Also its not ideal for headless server setup (it will run but apparently you need to install X for the initial config - still better than Windows though). I had previously setup an rTorrent/wTorrent server which worked well mostly but seemed to be a little unstable. I had a look at the TKL appliance and it looked great but unfortunately it didn't allow the level of control (through the web interface) that I wanted.
Developing sub-components + configuring mldonkey...
We will file bug reports with upstream or ask them to consider adding new features, but other then that usually we try to stay out of the way and stick to finding the best components and making them play nicely together, rather than get involved in the development of components that are not TurnKey specific (e.g., di-live, the confconsole, etc.).
2) What were the missing features in terms of level of control in TurnKey Torrent Server? You probably realize that the "basic" interface (P2P-GUI) hides most of mldonkey's features. The advanced web interface (and mldonkey itself) has an insane number of configurable options. I sort of suspect it might be possible to control what you want and you just aren't aware of it.
Yes - more time developing new appliances, less time maintaining
So I totally understand and agree. Thats especially the case with new features, etc. Some things you will and do have to maintain yourselves to offer these appliances, so better not to make any more work for yourselves than you have to!
One of the main functions I miss when not using uTorrent is the bandwidth throttling/scheduling which you can configure for the whole week in hourly increments. Probably the deal breaker for me though is setting up auto seeding options. By default I want all torrents to seed 1:1.1 then autostop but I want a few to just constantly seed until I manually choose not to. I am happy to adjust this manually but I want to be able to do it easily (ie through a web interface, don't want to have to SSH in and have to remember commands or anything). Perhaps its available but blowed if I could find anything like it. Autoloading torrents are also useful but I imagine that would be available with the current appliance. Currently I have a folder on my TKL fileserver that uTorrent monitors and anything dropped in there autostarts with default settings.
I sometimes wish I had the inclination and patience to learn a bit more web programing!
PS sorry to hijack your thread Wayne.
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