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Torlock - Thu, 2013/12/12 - 13:09
Hello there,
Recently I have been creating a site with Turnkeys Magento platform and it has come to a stage where I need to have bigger memory on the server to support a plugin. Trouble is I can't seem to upgrade it.
Firstly, I tried simply stopping the instance and then choosing "change instance type" but this doesn't work and I figured it's probably better to do it with a snapshot anyway.
So I took a snapshot of the instance and now I have an AMI. But... when I try and launch a new instance with the previously created AMI on m1.medium I get the following error:
Launch FailedThe instance configuration for this AWS Marketplace product is not supported. Please see for more information about supported instance types, regions, and operating systems.
So I go to the given URL adn review the details but I can't understand what is wrong.
Could anybody else provide some insight? It would be greatly appreciated!
Thanks :)
I did just find this after
I did just find this after posting
One of the commenters mention that 32bit instance cannot be upgraded past 1.7GB. Is this true? And if so is there a simple(ish) solution?
Also, is the Magento platform compatible with 64bit as the link below only mention 32 bit?
Making cool stuff for Rerral.
I suggest that you launch a new v13.0 instance via the Hub
TKL Hub (aka The Hub) is the preferred front end for managing TKL instances on AWS. It is much more user firendly (IMO) and allows you access to the v13.0 release appliances (they are coming to AWS marketplace but as yet are not available).
And I would recommend that you use TKLBAM to migrate your existing data to the new appliance. My recommended upgrade/migration process would look something like this:
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