John Draper's picture

this really SUCKS !!!    Web Shell won't even work on my iPad.    What good is a shell program that only displays ONE LINE?

Is there any work around?


Jeremy Davis's picture

But perhaps there are...?

Unfortunately I can't test as I'm currently using Linux (laptop) and Android (phone) and it works fine on Chromium/Chrome on both of them. I don't have any iOS products...

Perhaps you could try installing Chrome and see if that works. I assume that it would unless it's iOS itself that is messing with it?

I guess another workaround would be to use a SSH app. I assume that there would be one in the app store...

John Draper's picture

This bug appears consistantly on iPad II Safari,  and earlier versions of Safari work fine,  on Mt Lion.   It's Chrome of course where it wont work either.

Jeremy Davis's picture

Alon supplied a new Webmin deb a few days ago (on GitHub) and instructions on how to install it. I also repeated it at the bottom of this thread...

Have you installed and tried it yet? Alon tested it and confirmed that it worked...!

John Draper's picture

Yes you do have an iPad,   you have mine.   You also have my Mac and I can show you it not working on Chrome.   There is a really nifty program called Fuze where you can magically look over my shoulder and see my machine without having one yourself.   It is easy to install,  runs on every platform including smart phones,  and is invaluable in solving these kinds of problems.


L. Arnold's picture

you might want to try a Putty type (SSH) program rather than Webshell.  I expect there are IOS programs that do this if you want to access SSH w/ an Ipad.

Jeremy Davis's picture

But Alon has built and tested a new build of Webshell (aka Shell-in-a-Box) with the bug patched. It is not yet in the TKL repo but can be manually downloaded and installed from the commandline of any TKL instance:

dpkg -i shellinabox_2.14-turnkey+5+g1380a36_amd64.deb
/etc/init.d/shellinabox restart

Please note that the full url to download has been abreviated within the above code box. The full url is (with the http and www removed so the rest displays properly):
Lawrence Sylvain's picture

I tried installing 2.14 and it did not work.  Thanks for sharing though.

With Highest Regards,

Lawrence J. Sylvain

Lead Software Systems Engineer
Soliell, LLC

Jeremy Davis's picture

I have installed it on a number of systems and it seems to work for me. Although I do not have an iThing to test it with. However Alon (the core dev who built this package) tested it with his iPad and it worked for him. I'm not sure if John or anyone else has tested it?

So if you can provide a little more detail, hopefully we can work out why it's not working for you...

Lawrence Sylvain's picture

I'm sorry I was not more specific about the symptoms.  That was because the symptoms I experienced were the same as reported by others; the terminal window area was a single line at the top of the browser content area with a scrollbar on the right side.

Here is what is interesting.  As I reported in my earlier post, after I installed the update yesterday that Jeremy mentioned and restarted the OS and the problem was still present.  I decided to go with IE tab as a work-around since I have bigger fish to fry at the moment.

Anyway, last night I shut the VM down (I run it on an ESXi 5.1 server).  This morning I started the VM so I could capture a screen shot for this post and the terminal is working properly...

So perhaps folks need to make sure they perform a full shutdown (not just a restart) after installing the update Jeremy mentioned.

In case anyone is wondering about my environment:

VM:  Revision Control running on ESXi 5.1

Client:  Chrome Version 34.0.1847.116 m running on Windows 8.0

Thanks for sharing about the update and - especially - for following up.

With Highest Regards,

Lawrence J. Sylvain

Lead Software Systems Engineer
Soliell, LLC

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