RobertAL's picture

Hello, I have an Owncloud server running but I need to change the domain to so in the web broswer i would type in and need to change the port number for the sync client so that in the client the address I would like to use is  Keep in mind i'm not very good in Linux and am just learning it.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks in advanced.  Rob

Jeremy Davis's picture

Also I'm not clear on why you don't want to use standard ports?

Are you running this instance yourself (on a local machine) and want to include it with another server that is using the default ports?

TBH without knowing more about where/how your server is running (local machine/VM or AWS or some other hosted service?), if local then what your networking setup is (corporate servers behind a hardware firewall? SOHO/SMB with consumer grade modem/router? Something else?), what (if any) other servers are running already (perhaps the server already points to?) I would only be guessing at what the best (or even possible) way to go would be...

RobertAL's picture

Sorry I should have gave more information on this.

The reason I want to do this, this way is because I am running a Windows 2008 server on the network that is already using the ports 80 and 443 that handles active directory and exchange server. I have mail, www, and a few other host names pointed to my public ip already that points to this 2008 box. is not being used at this moment and would like it to only point to the owncloud server with is a VM that is running on my ESXi cluster.

I have a cisco 2811 running as my main firewall/ router and know how to configure this already. I also have all my a records configured for this Right know I can turn off my 2008 box and fireup my owncloud box and change a couple ips on the router and this works great using port 80 and 443.

I am going to setup my 2008 DNS records to point to this box internally when users are on the internal network and when connect using public internet I am going to use my a records which I know how to setup and have working on some other stuff.

If anymore information is needed place ask.

[edited for readability]

Jeremy Davis's picture

If you use a reverse proxy then you won't need to adjust ports, you can just redirect mail, www, etc to your existing server and point cloud to your own cloud server. Then you won't need to worry about non-standard port config.

Often reverse proxies run as a separate machine, but AFAIK this could be done via your existing 2008 box. In this scenario your 2008 box would directly handle www, mail, etc and forward cloud to your ownCloud VM. I imagine that this would work onsite and well as over the internet.

You could still go the custom port route, but IMO it would be easier (for both yourself initially and for yourself and other users in the longer term) to config reverse proxy and use standard ports...

RobertAL's picture

Thanks that worked perfect for http but not for https?  Any ideas, i am also running exchange 2010 on this 2008 VM.

Jeremy Davis's picture

Then sorry I can't help. I have a bit of Win Server (2003 & 2008) experience but only AD, DNS , DHCP and file serving. Played with IIS briefly on 2003 but ended up using Apache instead. And I've never set up a reverse proxy, so only know about it in theory...

When I first answered your question I did a quick google (to check IIS could do reverse proxy) and there seemed to be a fair bit of info floating about, although I didn't read much of it (just scanned to check it was possible before suggesting it). I'm sure if you google your issues you should be able to find info about getting SSL/HTTPS reverse proxying working.

The other option I mentioned may be a possibility (i.e. a dedicated reverse proxy) but as i say I've never set one up. From what i have read Pound seems to be fairly easy to set up, although most common web servers should be able to do it. There has been a TurnKey Reverse Proxy appliance candidate kicking around for a while but no one has ever got as far as actually developing it. Regardless you might find some useful info on the Candidate Whiteboard.

The only downside of going that way is that it's another VM you'll need to run and you'll need to install and configure the reverse proxy yourself (from scratch - although you could use Core as a base so you already have Webmin and Webshell). Also you'll need to configure that so it receives all the web traffic and proxies it to your 2008 server and your ownCloud server.

If you do go the route of a 'stand-alone' reverse proxy then it'd be super awesome if you could document it!

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