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TrueHobbit - Mon, 2014/08/25 - 17:53
I have domain registered at Godaddy and I want to set up Zimbra Collaboration Server for that domain.
VPS server with CentOS 6.5, 64bit and a public IP address are prepered (not with Godaddy).
Is it necessary to have DNS server such as Bind if I am going to host only one website and email for one domain?
What are pros and cons of having Bind in this case?
Attached are configuration of my domain at Godaddy Domain control page.
This is TurnKey Linux forums
We provide pre-built Debian based software appliances. We don't have anything to do with GoDaddy and no one here uses CentOS so I doubt you'll find much relevant info here...
Regardless, I wouldn't think that you'd need to install Bind for you plans.
Thank you for your
Thank you for your reply.
Do you have Debian appliance with Zimbra?
If not, what groupware/collaboration/email appliance do you have?
Unfortunately not...
We did once upon a time have a Zimbra appliance but it got dropped some time ago. We had intentions of reviving it but it hasn't happened to date. Strictly speaking we don't currently have any groupware appliance. It is certainly a gap in our lineup which we need to address. The closest we currently have would be Collabtive but AFAIK it doesn't include email so doesn't strictly meet your criteria.
Sorry I can't help more...
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