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J0hnTK - Sun, 2015/04/26 - 05:48
Hello, I am new with turnkey, and just installed it as a guest on esxi 5.5
I cannot seem to figure out how to:
Create users
Create new folders/create directories
Upload files, error message states file size is too big.
Would anyone be able to assist with how to's? I also did not find anything for this in the forum when I searched, but I wouldn't be surprised if this has already been asked.
Need more info..
FWIW One sure fire way to upload files is via SFTP. You can use software like Filezilla...
**** I am being flagged for
**** I am being flagged for posting screen shots, so ill post just the words.
Thank you for letting me know I need to provided some clarification
Linux fileserver 3.2.0-4-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 3.2.51-1 x86_64
Welcome to Fileserver, TurnKey Linux 13.0 / Debian 7.2 Wheezy
AjaXplorer version 4.2.3
Two remaining issues,
1. In the picture below shows file limit size of 2 M. I found logging into the Webmin on port 12321, I found a previous support question state file size can be changed under File Manager /etc/php5/cgi and the php.ini file
In the editing tool, I have changed this to 304M (assuming its megabytes)
But as you can see the previouc pic shows the limit is 2M.
Below is the edit file I changed:
Can you assist with changing the upload file size?
I plan on using this to back up files, large iso's, ova's, excel files, etc. Also I plan on creating accounts for family members to save stuff to the "cloud" for them. So asking some familiy members to use filezilla is probaly beyond their skill level, I was hoping a nice web page login and gui would be easier for them.
2. Where would I create users, and creating different users like an admin account for me, and non admin for family members?
BTW, It seems logging in as 'root' and with a password allows me to create directories, when I logged in as 'root' and no password, it failed to create directories.
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; File
; File Uploads ;
; Whether to allow HTTP file uploads.
file_uploads = On
; Temporary directory for HTTP uploaded files (will use system default if not
; specified).
;upload_tmp_dir =
; Maximum allowed size for uploaded files.
upload_max_filesize = 5000M
; Maximum number of files that can be uploaded via a single request
max_file_uploads = 20
These are my current settings, but i am still seeing a 2M size upload limit
Try restarting Apache
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