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Jayaram - Thu, 2014/09/18 - 12:41
I'd like to set up the Turnkey OpenVPN so that it works over TCP and on a different port than what's configured by default.
Changing the server.conf and restarting openvpn service doesn't seem to help. Changing the startup shell script (that I found by grepping for 1194) for openvpn also didn't seem to help. I also couldn't find any easy way to change it anywhere else.
Appreciate if someone could help me with this please.
Not sure....
I'm certainly no OpenVPN expert (TBH I've never used it...) but AFAIK you would adjust the conf file, e.g.:
And then restart
But it sounds like you tried that and it didn't work... Did you reopen the conf file to make sure that your changes had been saved? Also depending on where you're running it, make sure that you have the rest of the network (e.g. firewall, NAT router, etc) preconfigured to work with the new protocol...
I just had a quick dig and perhaps the Debian OpenVPN wiki page might be of some help/guidance? (TKL is Debian based and AFAIK OpenVPN is installed from Debian package management). Sorry I don't have the answer, but if you find it, please post back...
Hi, have you managed to sort
have you managed to sort it out?
I'm assuming that you are using v14.1?
Not v14.1
Thanks Anton :)
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