bhruska's picture

Are there instructions on how to use the backup / migration functionality to move a server off of Amazon's cloud and onto a local server?




bhruska's picture

Does anybody know the procedure to restore a machine that has been hosted on Amazon to a local machine?





Jeremy Davis's picture

This is a job for TKLBAM! :)

Now you are armed with the vital piece of info you should find plenty of info to answer your questions. If you still have specific queries that aren't answered, please post back. Actually post back and let us know how you go regardless! :)

bhruska's picture

I've been unable to figure out how to use this to restore off the AWS instance to a local server.

Are there any documents you can point me to?





Jeremy Davis's picture

Easiest is to add your Hub API key to your local TKL server and then restore your AWS backup to the local server.

If you don't want to do that then you can do a local backup on your AWS server then copy that to your local server (sftp or rsync or however?). Then restore your backup to your server.

I linked to the TKLBAM docs in my post above (and again here).

The Example usage scenario is going the opposite way to how you're doing it but the theory remains the same. If you want more info about the specific commands then have a look at the Manual pages.

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