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Iván Carrasco - Fri, 2009/04/03 - 01:09
I remember the good old days when we had to start a new project, and we got the usual constraints: We're using Oracle as backend with 2 Jboss in cluster and Apache on top... set up your test environment, use XX as integration env, start coding.
Jaysus! If only we had got this before i can't even imagine how many time we would have saved if we had built an appliance prototype for every project for the team.
This is outstanding guys, two thumbs up!
I think an interesting appliance might be a development projectware appliance (eg: cvs+bugzilla or horde, etc etc)
Anyway, thanks for this magnificient idea, and i will try to help in this project as much as i can, testing, submitting bugs, trying to build appliances etc etc
Count with me in this one!
I agree. There's so much
New member comes on the team -- here's the development appliance. It has all the tools already installed.
I wrote a blog entry about it:
Thanks for the feedback, and welcome!
We have a couple of project management and bug tracking appliances in our sights such as trac, projectpier, roundup, redmine, mantis, bugzilla, otrs... eventually we will get 'em all!
We also have ideas regarding a code repository appliance. On a personal note, I prefer distributed version control systems, namely git.
Check out our development page for details on how to get involved and help out.
A development projectware appliance would be a great idea
It's a great idea, but what selection of components would go into it requires further consideration. There are so many competing projects out there...
Well, selfishly, I'm most
I'm in the process of creating mine now -- but it's currently on Fedora. ;)
Obviously -- a LAMP stack dev environment would be an obvious target. Many of the appliances we have are for LAMP based projects, so that's a natural.
Java stack
I hear you on the desktop
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