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Scott - Mon, 2016/03/21 - 19:46
Is it just me or is getting a receipt / invoice out of amazon for the Turnkey billing difficult ?
Admittedly I signed up with turnkey years ago - so the plan is charged through amazon payments. Is this still the case ?
Any suggestions appreciated - if I could get the billing to consolidate with other Amazon charges that'd be good.
I'm asking here with the expectation that it will be quicker than trying to get an answer out of Amazon :-)
Hi Scott
FWIW we are switching to a new payment provider which allows us to provide a better email recipt. Obviously though that will only be going forward once we have transitioned your account. You will be contacted directly sometime soon about that.
thanks for th response. Will be interesting to see what you got with in terms of a new payment provider.
If I get anything out of Amazon I'll post back here.
cheers, Scott
FWIW new accounts are already using the new payment provider
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