John Brehm's picture

Hi all,

We're using the Gitlab 14.1 ISO and it is working well, however we are trying to set up Port Address Translation to allow us to access it externally via port 8081 instead of 80.  The PAT is set up and working, however when it hits the site, it pulls the port out of the url, i.e. we go to

it redirect to port 80 to the VM internally, and the VM then pulls the :8081 out of the url and goes to

because it pulls the port out it then points to a different web server w ehave running internally and gives us a page not found.  I know the PAT is working, because if I add the port back into the URL it works.

But as soon as I log in it takes the port out again.

So I know something is rewriting the URL, but I'm not sure what, I found other people with similar\same problems but they had not used the Turnkey image and the files they edited to resolve their issue don't seem to exist on the Turnkey image.  Any help would be appreciated.





Jeremy Davis's picture

Unfortunately, I'm not super familiar with the GitLab appliance's inner workings. So I'm not 100% sure how useful I'm going to be, but I'll have a shot...

Our GitLab appliance uses Nginx as a reverse proxy for GitLab. So my guess is that you'll need to reconfigure /etc/nginx/include/gitlab-proxy for your scenario. You'll also need to reconfigure /etc/nginx/sites-available/gitlab (although I'm guessing you already worked that bit out).

Perhaps if you could provide info on what you've found, but doesn't match TurnKey maybe I'd have some relevant thoughts?

FWIW, we're actually not too far away (roughly a couple of weeks) from releasing a new (v14.2) version of the appliance. I'm not sure, but perhaps that will more closely match other docs you've found?

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