Guest's picture

The defaut is 500. I would like to change it to 1000.



Jeremy Davis's picture

I'm not very familiar with OpenLDAP, so TBH I have no idea off the top of my head. But a quick google turned up this answer on ServerFault. It looks like a pretty reasonable suggestion to me...

Hope that helps.

Jeremy Davis's picture

I do see that there are a ton of slapd related man pages in /usr/share/man/man5/ so perhaps that might be worth a read?

We do have a community member who has lots of experience with OpenLDAP, so I'll try reaching out to him and see if he has any ideas and can help out.

If you beat me to it, please post back as I'm sure others would benefit from it.

Jeremy Davis's picture

You are a legend my firend! :)

@Donald - Hopefully that will do it for you!

And if not, please let us know and we should evaluate our default OpenLDAP config. If it doesn't match what Quanah noted, we should bring it back inline (unless of course there is a really good rationale - in which case we should document how this ends can be achieved).

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