Swedie's picture

The booting sequence brings up the webmin by default, but what is the command to bring up the webmin manually from prompt?

Alon Swartz's picture

/etc/init.d/webmin start | stop | restart | status
Swedie's picture

This did not bring up the GUI interface. I want to reach the prompt that includes changing the network settings.
Liraz Siri's picture

/etc/init.d/confconsole start
Or even more simply...
Swedie's picture

didn't work either... darnit. Oh well I've manually started changing the interfaces settings and got it all working as it should. thanks anyway
Liraz Siri's picture

Why didn't it work, can you post the output?
Swedie's picture

Sorry I was wrong. It did work with "start" I tried earlier without that bit. Thank you!

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