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s.walsh - Sun, 2019/01/06 - 17:03
I just installed one of your Bugzilla AMI's on AWS Marketplace and set all the admin accounts and passwords as per your instructions. When I try to access the main page at http://<ip address> I get this:
Software error:
Error parsing ./data/params.json: run to see the details. at Bugzilla/ line 313. Compilation failed in require at /var/www/bugzilla/index.cgi line 15. BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /var/www/bugzilla/index.cgi line 15.
For help, please send mail to the webmaster (webmaster@localhost), giving this error message and the time and date of the error.
How can I fix this?
Hi Shawn
That doesn't sound good! :( Thanks so much for posting!
Users have previously reported a similar issue with our older release, but I thought that we'd fixed it in the current release!? FWIW I can't reproduce it with our current v15.1 appliance, so there must be some specific circumstance that I can't reproduce?!
I assume that you are running the latest v15.1 release from here? If not, please test that one. If so, could you also please share the server size and region that you are launching into? If I can recreate the issue, I should be able to fix it.
Other than inadvertently using the older broken appliance, the only other thing that occurs to me is that perhaps some characters you used within your password are incompatible somehow?! Obviously don't post your password here, but could you please let me know if you have used any special characters in the Bugzilla password and if so which ones (just the special characters, not the password)? (E.g. characters such as, #, ", ', etc.).
Also, if you could try logging in via SSH and run the command that it notes, and post back the output would be helpful. I.e.:
Seeing as you are running from AWS Marketplace, unless you have enabled the root account, you may need to precede those commands with
* This is Bugzilla 5.0.4+ on perl 5.24.1
* Running on Linux 4.9.0-8-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 4.9.130-2 (2018-10-27)
Checking perl modules...
Checking for (v3.51) ok: found v4.35
Checking for Digest-SHA (any) ok: found v5.95_01
Checking for TimeDate (v2.23) ok: found v2.24
Checking for DateTime (v0.75) ok: found v1.42
Checking for DateTime-TimeZone (v1.64) ok: found v2.09
Checking for DBI (v1.614) ok: found v1.636
Checking for Template-Toolkit (v2.24) ok: found v2.24
Checking for Email-Sender (v1.300011) ok: found v1.300030
Checking for Email-MIME (v1.904) ok: found v1.937
Checking for URI (v1.55) ok: found v1.71
Checking for List-MoreUtils (v0.32) ok: found v0.428
Checking for Math-Random-ISAAC (v1.0.1) ok: found v1.003
Checking for JSON-XS (v2.01) ok: found v3.03
Checking available perl DBD modules...
Checking for DBD-Oracle (v1.19) not found
Checking for DBD-Pg (v2.7.0) not found
Checking for DBD-SQLite (v1.29) not found
Checking for DBD-mysql (v4.001) ok: found v4.041
The following Perl modules are optional:
Checking for GD (v1.20) ok: found v2.53
Checking for Chart (v2.4.1) ok: found v2.4.10
Checking for Template-GD (any) ok: found v1.56
Checking for GDTextUtil (any) ok: found v0.86
Checking for GDGraph (any) ok: found v1.48
Checking for MIME-tools (v5.406) ok: found v5.508
Checking for libwww-perl (any) ok: found v6.15
Checking for XML-Twig (any) ok: found v3.50
Checking for PatchReader (v0.9.6) ok: found v0.9.6
Checking for perl-ldap (any) ok: found v0.65
Checking for Authen-SASL (any) ok: found v2.16
Checking for Net-SMTP-SSL (v1.01) ok: found v1.04
Checking for RadiusPerl (any) ok: found v0.26
Checking for SOAP-Lite (v0.712) ok: found v1.20
Checking for XMLRPC-Lite (v0.712) ok: found v0.717
Checking for JSON-RPC (any) ok: found v1.06
Checking for Test-Taint (v1.06) ok: found v1.06
Checking for HTML-Parser (v3.67) ok: found v3.72
Checking for HTML-Scrubber (any) ok: found v0.15
Checking for Encode (v2.21) ok: found v2.80_01
Checking for Encode-Detect (any) ok: found v1.01
Checking for Email-Reply (any) ok: found v1.204
Checking for HTML-FormatText-WithLinks (v0.13) ok: found v0.15
Checking for TheSchwartz (v1.07) ok: found v1.12
Checking for Daemon-Generic (any) not found
Checking for mod_perl (v1.999022) ok: found v2.000010
Checking for Apache-SizeLimit (v0.96) ok: found v0.97
Checking for File-MimeInfo (any) ok: found v0.27
Checking for IO-stringy (any) ok: found v2.111
Checking for Cache-Memcached (any) not found
Checking for File-Copy-Recursive (any) ok: found v0.44
Checking for File-Which (any) ok: found v1.22
Checking for mod_env (any) ok
Checking for mod_expires (any) ok
Checking for mod_headers (any) ok
Checking for mod_rewrite (any) ok
Checking for mod_version (any) ok
* Certain Perl modules are not required by Bugzilla, but by *
* installing the latest version you gain access to additional *
* features. *
* *
* The optional modules you do not have installed are listed below, *
* with the name of the feature they enable. Below that table are the *
* commands to install each module. *
* Daemon-Generic * Mail Queueing *
* Cache-Memcached * Memcached Support *
Daemon-Generic: /usr/bin/perl Daemon::Generic
Cache-Memcached: /usr/bin/perl Cache::Memcached
To attempt an automatic install of every required and optional module
with one command, do:
/usr/bin/perl --all
Reading ./localconfig...
OPTIONAL NOTE: If you want to be able to use the 'difference between two
patches' feature of Bugzilla (which requires the PatchReader Perl module
as well), you should install patchutils from:
Checking for DBD-mysql (v4.001) ok: found v4.041
Error parsing ./data/params.json: garbage after JSON object, at character offset 3541 (before "": "0"\n}") at Bugzilla/ line 309.
Thanks for posting that.
It appears that it's choking on incorrect JSON data within "./data/params.json". And it looks uncannily similar to the error noted at the end of the only review that the appliance has. I could never recreate that error either, but hoped that we had resolved it in the newer appliance.
The fact that it appears to still be occurring within the new appliance (and that I could never recreate the original issue) suggests that it is coming from some data that is entered during firstboot initialisation. Looking a bit closer, I can see that the firstboot initialisation is writing to that file. So it seems that under some circumstance, that something incorrect is being written there.
Could you please email and attach the params.json file (should be /var/www/bugzilla/data/params.json) plus also share the email address that you are trying to set as the outgoing email. Armed with that info, I should be able to work out what is wrong.
Look forward to hearing from you and getting this resolved for you.
Server specs
Also, the server specs are :
There are no special characters in the password - just letters and numbers.
Oops, sorry I missed this post.
Thanks for the info, but it seems likely that there is something going wrong with the inital firstboot config. I have just replied above. As noted, it looks like there may be something going wrong when it tries to update the config with your outgoing email address.
As requested above, please post a copy of params.json file (should be /var/www/bugzilla/data/params.json) to You can download and attach it, or copy/paste the contents. Plus (in that same message) also share the email address that you are trying to set as the outgoing email.
FWIW I've opened a bug on our issue tracker
FWIW I have now opened a bug on our issue tracker.
Thanks again for reporting this issue and assisting me to understand it better. Hopefully we can quickly squash this bug once and for all!
Terminated Instance
Hi Jeremy
I just terminated the AWS instance and am looking at a hosted solution for Bugzilla instead.
Thanks for your assistance though.
That's a little unfortunate, but I understand
I completely understand. Obviously your goal was to get a Bugzilla server running, not assist us to debug ours! :/
Having said that, it is a little unfortunate. I haven't been able to reproduce the issue myself (although I've tried multiple times...). But clearly there is a problem! Demonstrated by yourself and others hitting this issue. I was hoping that with access to the corrupted file from a broken server, plus insight into the email address that you were attempting to use, I may have been able to diagnose the problem and fix it once and for all!
Oh well... If you can recall the "outgoing email address" that you would have likely configured, it'd be great if you could share that with me. To maintain your privacy, it's best to email that to me via
Either way, good luck with all your future endeavours. Thanks again for reporting the issue and thanks too for trying TurnKey. I'm really sorry that it didn't work out for you this time.
Hi Saqib
Thanks for sending through that info (and sorry I haven't replied directly to that yet).
We have worked out the issue and have an updated appliance queued for upload (hopefully should be up really soon).
Unfortunately, I'm not 100% sure on how to fix a broken appliance. I'll have a closer look at the files you supplied ASAP and clean it up and return a fixed copy of the config file. Please note, that probably won't happen until Monday.
Essentially the issue is caused by our firstboot scripts mangling the config file under certain circumstance. I'm not 100% sure, but I think that the issues occurs when an email address containing less characters that our defaults for either the admin email address, or the outgoing email address ( & respectively) is entered.
I can't 100% guarantee this will work as I haven't tested deeply, but I think it should. In the meantime, if you don't want to wait for me to clean your current config file and/or the updated and fixed appliance, then please try the following steps on a new server (i.e. freshly installed/launched):
Hopefully that does the trick. Either way, I'll be in touch directly ASAP (probably Monday).
After having a closer look, I see the problem in the config
I have responded directly to you (privately) re your config file. But for the interest of others until we get the updated/fixed appliance released, the issue was literally some junk left at the end of the config file, as suggested by the previously posted error:
In Saqib's case, the resolution should be as simple as removing the additional junk after the last valid line of the config file. I.e. replace the last (invalid) part of the params.json file:
So that it no longer includes the last bit of junk (and is valid JSON). I.e. instead of above, adjust the last few lines so they look like this:
Other user's params.json file may not look exactly like that, but my guess is that it is quite similar, with some extra junk at the end of the file. FWIW the issue is occurring because we were modifying the existing file rather than reading it, then re-writing it. The reason why I was unable to reproduce it, is that I was using data that was not making it
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